Zoe Buckman
Born on September 13, 1985 in London, United Kingdom.
“My art should have a lightness and sweetness, especially since it has heavy and triggering subject matters, I prefer to present it in a way that’s palatable and draws people in.”
Zoe Buckman is a London born artist who is a photographer, producer, and installation artist. She studied at the International Center of Photography. She started with a keen interest in photography but her work has evolved over time. She is well known for her neon uterus sign on top of the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood. Her works have tones of activism, feminism, and a strong female voice. The topic of “women’s issues” has been a topic that Buckman has been talking about her work for a while. She credits motherhood as really opening her up artistically and gave her the confidence to explore different mediums.
She works with materials like neon, photography, sculpture, and sound- focused on creating a full experience for the viewer. Her work Champ is a large fiberglass boxing gloves positioned to look like ovaries. It was installed in February 2018, during Women’s History Month, as a symbol of empowerment. An interesting artwork placed in the thick of Sunset Boulevard amidst amid the post-Harvey "Me Too" stories were emerging in the Entertainment industry.
Another body of works of Buckman displayed this last December, “He Calls This Talk Banter” addressed topics of domestic violence pulling from stories she has heard, remembered, or read. The neon signs read “He Calls This Talk Banter” with a portion of the proceeds going to a foundation helping victims of rape. Buckman’s works are an important climate for gurls of our generation and those to come. She speaks of real issues and finds a way to make her message relevant, while timeless of its message. Watch out for Zoe Buckman as she continues to grow in her career.
Written by Erin Remington
Sources: Zoe Buckman / Artnet / Elle